It's been a while since we all met each other. And finally we got a chance to see each other last Sunday on 9th May 2010 while attending one of our girlfriend's wedding. I was so happy for their wedding and also happy that I could get on together with my old friends. It was just like a reunion! :D
Here, meet the girls XD

From left to right :
Winda, Caroline (Oline), Suprihatin (Ling-ling), Evina (Nana), Me, Winnie
With Oline

Oline and Fenny

Ling-ling and Nana

Ling-ling, Winda, Oline

Miss u a lot girls! I think we need to arrange some time to have a girls day out. We have a lot of things to talk about! Haha :D
Ahhhh.. I didn't get a chance take photos of the boys. Next time will do I guess :D