Dang! It really hit the spot. Haha. I love how googly gooeys always describe reality into picture so perfectly well. So yeah, i was in first stage of the cycle when i started realize how messy my room was. It was so messy until that i really don't know where and how to start cleaning it up. -__-
But in the end i fixed my room successfully (it took me 2 days! ;P) and i did some rearranging as well. (i do rearranging my room every now and then :D). And during all that i also decide to documenting it :D :D :D
This is my room map

Sorry for bad drawing skill. teehee ;P
This is how my room looks before >__<

I really, really didn't have time to do some cleaning since i'm working from 8a.m till 10pm until the mess got to this point >_<
As you can see, my room painted in purple. It's not because that purple is my favourite colour. Actually i don't really have any favourite colour since it always change every now and then. :) (Right now, i'm in love with silver :P)
At the moment (before i paint my room purple (Yes! i painted it myself :D)), i was in love with tosca and want to paint my room in tosca. But unfortunately, they didn't have tosca colour paint in stock :(
Soooo.. It ended up with purple (my dad picked that up) :S
This is the view from different side

So much stuffs :(
Here, from another side

My closet

So, that was how it looked before. :)
Here another picture from googly gooeys which is so damn true! :P

Day 1
When i cleaning up my room, i really, really CLEANING IT UP THOROUGHLY :)
I started by sort out my books

Yes! I love books! (and other things too ;P)
It is so full!

First row is for my novels

Second and third row are for my comic books XD

Fourth and fifth row are for magazines and more comics.

I think i should stop subscribing too many magazines :(
This is how it done after i classified it :D :D :D
First row is for completed series comics, second row is for non-series comics, third row is for series comics which are not completed yet :)

As for fourth and fifth row doesn't have any changes ;P
But since now i got no place for my novels i decide to buy another book shelf the next day. Meanwhile, let's fix my closet!! ^^
I started by taking out all the clothes.

...... I was stunned in silent for a couple of minutes.. I felt so lazy suddenly! There's now way i can do this! (I really thought that way at that moment):(
But, there's no turning back. After all, it finally finished

grouped it in t-shirts, camisoles, tank-tops, another type of tops, short-pants, legging and trousers, skirts, mini-skirts, and sleepwear.
I didn't do much for the dresses, jackets, and shirts though. Because they still on order. Hahaha. XD
There was nothing more that i can do for today since i have to wait for a new shelf. It is already late anyway. :D
Day 2
Tadaaaa!! I bought a new shelf finally. It's a knock down type. My bf help me build it up :D
Let's get started!
Today I'm gonna moving around furniture around my room. And this is the new room map! :D

This is the after-looks after i finished

I dedicate the small one for my craft stuffs. I do crafts. I love cross-stitching, knitting, crocheting, beading, paper-craft and making felt doll :D
Want to try paper-tole and clay later :D
On top, i put all my music cds
And the first row is for my "girl stuffs" ;P
The second row is for my beading tools

I put my fabrics (such as aida and felt) and floss for cross-stitching and sewing on third row

The fourth row is for my knitting and paper-crafting stuffs!

This is how i fill up the big one
On top i put a parcel full of chocolate that i got from my boyfriend around 2 or 3 years ago! Ahaha. I really can't eat it because it's too pretty. Furthermore, i am not into sweets. I'm more into a meal person :(
First row is for make-up box and accessories. Most of it i made it myself :D

Second row is for my novels! (Yay!)

Yes, i'm so into suspense novels. XD
Third row is for dvds!! I love movies!

Viva piracy!! ;P ;P ;P
At the bottom, i put all the games cds!! I'm quite a gamer myself >:)

Most of it are from my bf since he doesn't play it anymore, because he got new game console. booo -___-"
i think i'm done with this cleaning up thing. ;p
This is the overall-looks

Looking nice, eh? :D
The only spot i hate the most in my room is.......

HERE!! hahaha. it's worse than before! because i stuffed all the stuffs (such as bags, more dresses, etc) that i really don't know what to do with them in it!! hahaha. i'll tidy it up in a couple days when i got the time. :p
let's hope it's not when i got to the 4th stage of cleaning cycle! :P