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Friday, September 24, 2010

Earring Collection

I'm currently in love with pierced earring!! Just bought 3 pairs of them today :D
I do love collecting jewelry! (FYI, I love collecting other things too! :D)
Though I can't wear them much and for a long time, cause my skin got irritated easily :(

Here, I thought I wanna share some pics of my earring collections. Most of them I made it myself. I do crafts. Hehe :D

^ 3 pairs of earring that i bought today :D

Starting here, pictures below are earrings that i made myself :D

This is a special one. My favorite of all. Got this from my bf along with its necklace and bracelet for my birthday present :D

As I said before, my skins got irritated easily by imitated material, so i can't wear those jewelery too long :(
but since this one made from white gold, I can wear it anytime and as long as I want :D

That is some of my earrings. Still want to collect more :D

In next posts, i'll post my other collections such as necklaces, bracelets, books, craft stuffs, etc. If I'm not lazy enough though... :P

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