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Friday, May 4, 2018

Little Bun In The Oven ❤

May, 2017!
-  I T ' S    A    B O Y  ! - 

It's been exactly a year since the day we found out we're pregnant with this cute little baby boy ! We are so thankful for this boy that flipped our world upside down and changed us into the persons we are today. 

Seems like it was just yesterday, me and your daddy sitting in an awe and looking nervously at test pack and got overwhelmed with feelings. Even though we planned you after 2 years of marriage, we were still nervous and had no idea what kind of life we would have, what kind of life we could give you, and what kind of parents we could be for you. But we knew that if there wasn't anything else, there would be so much love we could give you.

When K was just a little peanut ❤

- 17 Weeks - 

- 24 Weeks - 

  - 36 Weeks -

Thank you for being an easy baby since you were in mommy's belly and still up until now. Thank you for making me a mommy for the very first time. I won't ever be able to put into words how thankful we were for you or all of the reasons why. I love you so much K! ❤

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