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Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Day I Became A Mom !

December 09th, 2017
I am a Mom! | Hey, It has a nice ring to it!
- Tribute to Mother's Day (12-05-18) -

It was Saturday morning, and I was already on my 38-weeks pregnancy. That morning I was scheduled at 08.00 to have a vaginal exam to see how much my cervix has been dilated. During the examination, the obgyn didn't say anything worth panicking for. Little did I know, later that day I will be back again to hospital and giving birth. 😂  

At that moment, although I was still insisting on having a normal birth from the very first, I was having an indecisive moment because I never figured even the vaginal exam could be so painful! (For anyone who doesn't know how vaginal exam goes, the obgyn sticks their fingers inside and sees how many fingers can fit in at the moment. The fingers represents how many centimeters your cervix has been dilated). It hurt so bad, I screamed quite loud, even the obgyn asked me if I'm sure to give birth naturally. 😣

Since the obgyn didn't say anything that might be harmful, we stick on plans we had for the rest of that day. From a month before my due date, we were already staying in my mom's house so someone can take care of me if the time has come and my husband not there at the moment. Once in a while we still back to our home though to see if everything are still in place. That day after the hospital check up we went back to our home which about 2-hours car ride from the hospital since we had AC's technician coming at 11.00. During the car ride, I already felt mild discomfort down there but I thought because the vaginal exam I had earlier. 

By the time we arrived at our home at 11.00, the pain has escalated,. To make things worse, I accidentally spilled coconut water and slipped down on it. But I thought I only hurt my arms because of that fall. At that time we still weren't sure whether it was Braxton Hicks contraction or the real contraction, so we tried to be calm and waited. At 13.00, I was pretty sure I was about to give birth since the contractions interval getting shorter by 2-3 minutes each time, but the technician was late and just arrived to fix the AC so we waited again until they are done. They finished by 15.00 and we were rushing to the hospital. Unfortunately, the traffic was so bad and we couldn't find any policeman to help us making a way. My water broke in car and the car filled with my screams and tears.

I was already 5cms dilated by the time we arrived at 17.00 in hospital, the nurses took me to the maternity ward while my husband took care of the hospital administration. Everything happened so fast I couldn't even ask for epidural, fortunately my husband got in time to hold my hand while I was giving birth to our sweet little baby boy.

One of the scariest moment of my life. I didn't have enough education on how to breath and push properly and ended up with severe rupture perineum. I was in so much pain for two weeks! 😓

It was all paid off by this moment, we waited so long for you baby!  ❤
Mommy's face is censored, it was full of red spots because pushing so hard.

I can't thank you enough love for helping me getting through all this ❤

The very first time we both fell asleep with you in my arms after I breastfed you, what a magical moment ❤ 

It might didn't go like the way mommy planned, where daddy accompanying mommy in the whole process, and your aunties can do a better documentation of your birth and decorate the hospital room. But it still the most perfect day for mommy and daddy. It was the day where we can finally hold you in our arms. You're even more beautiful than we could imagine K! 

We are very, very grateful that nothing gone wrong despite all the ruckus. We're glad that we didn't harm you because of the fall, we're glad that we arrived in time at the hospital. I can't even imagined if I gave birth at the car! (K has placenta wrapped around his neck from the ultrasounds during my pregnancy). And we're glad it happened on the 9th! Because the day after the city flooded and the traffic was hell. In the end, we're glad that you delivered safe and sound to this world!

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